Ajyal Film Festival 2019

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Special Screening - Ajyal Youth Film Festival 2017

Aisha R. Al Muhannadi / Short Documentary / Qatar / 2015 / 4 min / Colour / In No Dialogue / (No Subtitles) subtitles / No Premiere
Rated: Parental guidance is advised. Some material may be inappropriate for young children.


The repetitive actions of men and machines become a dance of grace and beauty in ‘Makh'bz’ as Aisha Al Muhannadi transforms the making of bread in Madinat Khalifa into a mesmerising vision. Following the stages of the breadmaking process – from mixing ingredients through kneading, baking and packaging – ‘Makh'bz’ is a stunning meditation on the time, energy and skilled craft that go into providing Doha with its daily bread.

About the Director

Aisha Al Muhannadi is a Qatari filmmaker. Her first experience with filmmaking was when she directed and produced the documentary ‘Big Dreams’, which was nominated for best sound and cinematography awards at the Qatar Model United Nations Film Festival in 2011. She has since continued making short films and documentaries.


Aisha R. Al Muhannadi
Aisha R. Al Muhannadi
Aisha R. Al Muhannadi
Aisha R. Al Muhannadi
Aisha R. Al Muhannadi
Aisha R. Al Muhannadi

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