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An afternoon football game unexpectedly turns into a gruesome bloodbath in this revenge tale ba…
Regan Hall / U.K., Jordan / Short Narrative
Dudu, from a Rwandan slum, is a serious football fan. He and his sports-mad buddies decide to…
Debs Gardner-Paterson / U.K. / Feature Narrative
Middle Eastern earthiness meets Scandinavian sweetness in this comedy by acclaimed Lebanese-Swe…
Josef Fares / Sweden / Feature Narrative
Popping with potent rhythms and set against a bleak backdrop of near hopeless despair, this doc…
Renaud Barret, Florent de La Tullaye / Democratic Republic of the Congo, France / Feature Documentary
Political biopics too often fall into either hagiography or demonization, extremes mostly avoid…
Duane Baughman, Johnny O'Hara / U.S.A., U.K. / Feature Documentary
A New Zealand coming-of-age story about a supremely likeable kid who reunites with his long-los…
Taika Waititi / New Zealand / Feature Narrative
In one of the most conflicted parts of the world, a Palestinian family man unites rival parties…
Julia Bacha / U.S.A., Palestine / Feature Documentary