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Lotfi, invaded by despair, thinks about suicide but finds himself engulfed in a nightmare in wh…
Moez Ben Hassen / Tunisia / Short Narrative
After a chance incident at school, Wei invites his classmate Shuo into his family’s home. Shuo,…
Jianjie Lin / China, Denmark, France, Qatar / Feature Narrative
Malik, an eighteen-year-old with flaming red hair, returns to his small village in Tunisia afte…
Meryam Joobeur / Canada, Tunisia, Qatar, Sweden / Short Narrative
‘Capharnaüm’ retraces the journey of 12-year-old Zain, who decides to sue his parents for havin…
Nadine Labaki / Lebanon / Feature Narrative
When little Abboudi and his grandfather are left behind by the truck they are travelling in, th…
Karim Rahbani / Lebanon, Cyprus, France / Short Narrative
It’s hard for Bayir, a young sheepherder, to believe in wonders living in the desolate Kalmyk S…
Yury Feting / Russian Federation / Feature Narrative
Mansour has gone too far this time, so his friends decide he must be punished in this brilliant…
Kaveh Ebrahimpour / Iran / Short Narrative