All Doha Tribecca Film Festival 2012 Events
Investment Strategies in the Global Film Industry Hosted by Miramax

Event Description
'Private/ Invite only event' What financial infrastructure is required to co-finance films within the Arab world? What are the most efficient and risk-avoidant methods of financing film projects? A distinguished group of leading financiers and executives representing various aspects of the global film industry will explore the current state of independent film financing and what the future might hold for a nascent pan-Arab film-financing ecosystem. The panel of industry experts will engage Qatar’s business community, offering valuable insight into emerging trends, risk mitigation, available financing options, distribution models, engaging sales agents, protecting investment, private equity, required legal documentation and practical approaches to structuring financing transactions. Further topics for discussion include bank debt, mezzanine financing, subsidies and tax incentives, completion bonds, collection agreements, emerging markets and how to harness private capital for viable film proposals.
Hal Sadoff
ModeratorFinancial Consultant
Robbert Aarts
Co-CEO Fintage House, Fintage Film & Tv
Judith Chan
Director, Coutts
Pierre Du Plessis
Deputy Managing Director, Pathe Productions Limited
Samer Kozhaya
Attorney, Liner Grode Stein Yankelevitz Sunshine Regenstreif Taylor
Oliver Simon
Partner, K5 International
Kurt Woolner
Co-Chairman, Film Finances Inc.