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In Yambaru village, an old man raises a goat for his son's wedding feast, a tradition in Okinaw…
Ryugo Nakamura / Japan / Short Narrative
1960s Mississippi. Southern society girl, Skeeter, returns from college determined to become a…
Tate Taylor / United States of America / Feature Narrative
The true story of Aung San Suu Kyi, the woman at the core of Burma’s democracy movement, and he…
Luc Besson / France, United Kingdom / Feature Narrative
Enough of life where everything is cute! This is a romantic comedy about a girl who gets over h…
Naoto Hidaka / Japan / Short Narrative
DFI presents a special package of short films in partnership with Japan’s Short Shorts Film Fes…
/ Japan / Short Narrative
Everyday Life in a Syrian Village
Omar Amiralay / Syria, France / Feature Documentary
A Flood in the Baath Country
Omar Amiralay / Syria, France / Feature Documentary