All Doha Tribecca Film Festival 2011 Events
'Broken Silence': A Performance by Hisham Suleiman's Students

Event Description
This performance, by DFI Students is the culmination of a 4 month workshop, in which a group of young Arabs participated. Hisham Suleiman made them re-think many things, which helped in creating a performance with a new style. It allows you as a viewer to experience the results of this workshop on improvisation, and it might entice you to listen to yourself, which will liberate you from the masks you wear, designed by sickly minds that detach us from ourselves. Come and see if this performance can change your mind and open your eyes about a few things, it is new and exciting. Not to be missed! This performance has been led and directed by Hisham Suleiman WHERE: Building 15 WHEN Thursday 27th, 7.30 - 8.30pm No tickets required, just come along! For more information, email us at