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People in Film: Fileena Bahris

Aug 21, 2012

Fileena Bahris is an actress and jewellery designer for films.

Recently, she worked as an un-credited actress, or extra, on “The Dark Knight Rises”, Christopher Nolan’s final Batman installment.

Here, she speaks to us about life in Hollywood, her role in the blockbuster of 2012 and why she wishes she had started acting sooner.

DFI: How did “The Dark Knight Rises” opportunity come about?
Bahris: Luck.

DFI: How long did you spend filming – and where?
Bahris: The Gotham Rogues scene in “The Dark Knight Rises” was shot in Heinz Field, Pittsburgh. I always have lines, scripted or not – it’s just a miracle for them to end up in the final cut! I’m in a small scene playing the part of a ‘Gotham Rouges’ fan right after the Star Spangled Banner is sang at a football game.

I usually spend one to three days on a film shoot. It was a little longer on Battleship and the Just Go With It shoot lasted about four weeks.

DFI: What was the most enjoyable part of being on set? Who did you meet and did they inspire you?
Bahris: Christian Bale impressed and inspired me most with not only his heart and involvement with the victims after the senseless theatre tragedy, but with his incredible ability to transform himself into his characters in all of his films.

DFI: And what was the most challenging? Was there lots of waiting around?
Bahris: The waiting is always a challenge with any film. The most amazing shoots I’ve had the honour of working on, in terms of things moving along quickly, was on director Clint Eastwood’s sets. Now there is a man who knows exactly what he wants in a shot; he just does one take and boom – he has it.

DFI: Complete this sentence. When I found out I was going to be working on “The Dark Knight Rises” I…
Bahris: …could not help but be thankful to all the people in the industry who have helped me in my career thus far… without their help, I never stood a chance.

DFI: How would you review the film?
Bahris: It’s a ride where visionary director Christopher Nolan takes us to the breath-taking brink and back again.

DFI: What does acting bring you?
Bahris: A joy to my life that is insurmountable and unexplainable to anyone who does not feel this strong driving desire in their hearts; many of us in the industry know the relentless pursuit of acting too well.

DFI: If you weren’t acting, what would you be doing?
Bahris: In between acting jobs…I am a jewellery designer for films (previously including “Star Wars Episode III”) and television shows like Desperate Housewives.

DFI: If you could do something differently, in terms of your career so far, what would that be?
Bahris: I wish I would have embarked on this journey sooner than I did. I wish I had taken it more seriously and realised what a passion I had for how much I truly loved acting.

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