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Made In Qatar

Jul 26, 2012

There are just a few days until submissions to the Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF) will close, and we’d like to remind you about “Made in Qatar”, one of the categories.

“Made in Qatar” was introduced in 2011 as a vital section of the festival where filmmakers from Qatar can showcase their projects to international guests, their families and friends. The purpose was to create an intimate platform: aspiring filmmakers get a chance to showcase their work on the big screen in the presence of journalists and film critics while competing for a prize.

Why is this important?
“Made in Qatar” is a great platform to share our culture, traditions and thoughts. It’s the local side of the festival,” said 2011 participant Jassim Al Rumaiahi whose co-directed film “A Falcon, a Revolution” took home the winning prize. “We should be proud and assertive about the stories we want to tell. It’s not about winning; it’s about taking part and learning. It opens doors.”

Jassim’s film has since enjoyed an interesting year; the short documentary participated in the Short Film Corner of Cannes, contended in official competition at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York and was screened at Tokyo’s Short Shorts Film Festival. It is currently playing in London at Bayt Qatar ( House of Qatar) during the London 2012 Olympics.

(L-R) Rezwan Al Islam and Jassim Al Rumaiahi at Doha Tribeca Film Festival 2011

What’s new for 2012?
This year, a committee of international jurors will review the films. The winning prize is a development award worth $10,000 for your next project.

Who is eligible?
Qatari nationals and Residents of Qatar.

I haven’t made any films before. Can I still participate?
You can participate regardless of your previous experience. The competition is open to everyone who aspires to share a story.

How ‘short’ can a short film be?
You can submit your film even if it’s as short as one minute.

I shot a film but I won’t have the time to submit it by the 10 August. What do I do?
Submit your file online and contact us. Our committee will assess the possibility of participation.

Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small … no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it …. Everything after that you’re just negotiating your budget and your fee. – James Cameron

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