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In Numbers: Toronto International Film Festival

Sep 16, 2012

By Anealla Safdar

Today is the last of 11-film laden days in Toronto; the International Film Festival (TIFF) is coming to a close and the city will stop acting as North America’s main marketplace for filmmakers until next year.

“We’re pleased that the festival continues to provide opportunities for buyers to see films in a strong environment which facilitates film sales,” said Justin Cutler, Senior Manager of TIFF’s Sales and Industry Office. “It’s been a particularly robust year for sales and we’re happy that the festival’s official selection will reach film lovers across the world.”

للترجمة العربية اضغط على

The Reluctant Fundamentalist at TIFF

الأصولي المتردد في مهرجان تورونتو السينمائي الدولي

To celebrate the successful event (IFC Films acquired the rights to the latest international film we financed “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” there), here are the highlights in numbers…

289 feature-length films were screened and 83 shorts at TIFF

Of them, 146 were world premieres

The films came from 72 countries

A Japanese film, “Penance” was the longest running at 4.5 hours (16200 seconds)

A still from Penance, the longest running film at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival

The shortest was “Pacific Sun” at 100 seconds

2,300 volunteers painted the city orange (the colour of their shirts) as they helped out

4,280 industry delegates invaded the city looking for deals and networking, a 9 percent increase on last year

29 key films were sold to U.S distributors including The Reluctant Fundamentalist, What Maisie Knew and Much Ado About Nothing

2,563 companies were there to represent, from 81 countries

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