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'Films Tawash' Workshop

Aug 09, 2012

Doha Film Institute (DFI) invites aspiring filmmakers to apply to ‘Films Tawash’, a four-day workshop on how to produce a short film.

From 1 – 4 September, Emirati filmmaker Abdullah Hassan Ahmed will share his skills and knowledge using a different one of his short films each day to learn from. Even if you are only able to attend one of the days, you are still welcome to apply.

Abdullah is one of the UAE’s film industry founders; he received the Best Film prize at the first edition of the Gulf Film Festival and Best Director at San Francisco’s Arab Film Festival 2008.

The four short films the group will analyse, from script to screen, are: “Tinback”, “Soora Naqesa”, “Sabeel” and “Asghar Min Alsama’a”.

“Short films may not carry the same commercial weight as feature films, but the format is equally as powerful, dramatically speaking,” he said. “(They) serve as a necessary intermediate step before tackling the logistical challenges of making a feature film.”

This workshop is open to everyone, of all ages. The course will be given in Arabic. Films Tawash is designed for everyone from the enthusiastic film fan to the aspiring film industry professional.

Tawash is organised by DFI’s Gulf Development Unit, the latest in a series of film education and training initiatives for Qatar and the GCC region’s filmmakers.

Here’s a note from Mahdi Ali Ali, the unit’s manager, about the workshop:

    Mahdi Ali Ali

    ‘Tawash’ translates as pearl trader; one who travels from one pearling spot to another, diving from dhows and looking for the best and most-valuable gemstones. This was a profession which needed expertise; the pearls’ weight and price needed considerable evaluation.

    Those who want to produce films should learn the techniques to produce short films and scripts. These are the pearls they would want to exhibit when participating in film festivals. To win prizes and have their works screened, their pearls need to be exemplary.

    Short film producers should have a sense of criticism that enables them to choose the best scripts that appeal to a wide audience.

    We encourage you to apply to ‘Tawash’ as part of your filmmaking journey.

Registrations for ‘Films Tawash’ workshop are now closed.

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