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DTFF 2012 - Thank you All!

Nov 25, 2012

That’s a wrap, folks!

DFI and DTFF would like to thank all the people who have made this year’s Festival a resounding success – the legions of volunteers who helped guide people to where they needed to go, and who keep things humming along; our esteemed jury, headed by the simply lovely Hend Sabry; all our sponsors, who see the potential of DTFF and offer enormous support; the directors, producers and performers involved in all selected films – you are our inspiration; the industry leaders, whose interest will help us build a stronger regional film culture; and of course, our audience, for your curiosity, your support, your willingness to look at our selections and discuss your thoughts.

It will all happen again in 2013. We hope to see all of you next time round.

Ahlan wa sahlan, wa shokran jazeelan!

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