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DFI Kids Access Blog: Niné at the Made in Qatar Programme 1 - New Hope

Nov 19, 2012

Last night was one of the best nights of my life! It was my first time ever interviewing celebrities on the red carpet, and let me tell you, it was fabulous!!! At first I was super nervous – in the car on the way to Katara, I kept asking my mum: ‘But what if I mess up or forget a question?!’ Luckily, my mum reassured me that it would be all right.

Let me tell you a bit more about last night! When we arrived at Building 3, I received my shirt and press badge. Wearing my press badge felt amazing as I felt I was a VIP. I met Nigel, our photographer, and he gave us some tips about where to look and when. We also got the last couple of interview tips. And then we were off! We (my partner Tarek and I) arrived on the red carpet, but found that the barriers were really high and we wouldn’t be able to interview people properly. Sandy got us little stools. So now you see all the radio and newspaper people, video crews and then finally your eyes see DFI Kids Access, standing on little stools!

One of the weird bits about interviewing was when there were Arabic-speaking people. I couldn’t interview them since I don’t speak Arabic, but my partner could, so while he was interviewing them, I was the odd one out. At least I did act natural, as if I understood every word they were saying. We interviewed some pretty cool people, since after the movie premieres there would be a hip-hop concert. So, on the red carpet there were some awesome rappers. My partner Tarek was quite excited since one of the hip-hop artists there, Omar Offendum, was his favourite, so he got his special interview. I didn’t think that I would have someone great to interview but SURPRISE, SURPRISE… There was a lady director named Hend Fakhroo, a lady I did research on and wanted to ask some specific questions. She was super nice and happy to answer all my questions. One of the good things about interviewing celebrities on the red carpet is that they are all friendly people.

Another part that made the night totally fabulous was our opening and closing speech. Sandy said that we shouldn’t swirl our eyes about. If your partner was speaking and you weren’t, all you had to do was either look at them or smile straight at the camera. The opening speech was fun but the best bit was the closing speech. At the end of the speech my partner Tarek said: ‘OK, we had fun interviewing, but now we are going to watch the movie.’ Then we put down our microphones and ran down the red carpet. I felt like bursting out with laughter because we had to do it three times so people would see us doing it. They must have thought that we were rather silly. What a great compliment! I can’t wait to interview celebrities again! Till next time!


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