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DFI Kids Access Blog: Media Training Session 1

Nov 16, 2012


‪It’s back? Already? WOW! I can’t believe it! The Doha Tribeca Film Festival starts today! It feels like just yesterday I was asking Mark Strong questions at last year’s opening night film, ‘Black Gold’. I had so much fun last year, I had to come back and do it again. ‬‬‬

I am really looking forward to the festival this year because some of us will actually get to host a show on the Family Days! So, it’s going to be very different than last year. I’ll be honest though, when I first heard that I would be one of the reporters, I was nervous, very nervous. What if I mess up? What happens then? Well, Sandy reassured us that everybody’s human and everybody makes mistakes, so all you’ve got to do is take a deep breath and continue with confidence.

So…I guess that’s it for now, see ya on FAMILY DAY!!


I am really looking forward to this year’s film festival; I have a very good feeling about it. This year is going to be very different then last year because now I’m not going be part of the red carpet reporters; I am part of the Northwestern University in Qatar programme on Family Day. I really can’t wait and I’m feeling so nervous because it’s going to be a very different experience then last year’s.


Hi, I’m Naji and today was an epic day; we did all sorts of things.

Greg Triggs from Family Programmes made us play a great game, basically there is an invisible ball and you need to toss it around enthusiastically and say something like your name, or the first thing that pops in your head. It wasn’t very easy at first but I got the hang of it.

We then acted as if we were on the red carpet and after that we watched Greg act out a talk show with Sandy, our line producer, being his host. It was hilarious and very educational!

WE THEN HAD PIZZA! Meanwhile, we watched other reporters on YouTube.
Finally, we wrapped the meeting acting like reporters once again. But what’s a better way to end the day other then watching the Qatari Instrumental Army Band and Russian Army show in Katara. It was AWESOME!

Looking forward to tomorrow’s adventure!


Hi! Niné here! This is my first blog entry.

So far so good! Everyone here at DFI Kids Access is soooo full of energy, enthusiastic and super nice! Yesterday was really cool. It was our last training session before the festival! I can barely contain myself – I’m feeling so curious about what’s going to happen on the red carpet!

At the training session today, we got some more interview advice about the dos and don’ts of reporting, which was quite exciting. But there was something that I wasn’t really good at. Should I tell you? Well all right. I was horrible at not using the word ‘like’. Sandy told us that we shouldn’t use ‘like’ when reporting but I couldn’t help it! Hehehe.
Let’s hope that I will improve!

Until next time…


Today was FANTASTIC; I personally had good time in Katara. I had a fun time playing the invisible ball with Sir Greg and Mrs. Sandy. I was pleased with Greg because he had this very imaginative way to make us think fast and not have awkward moments. Sir Greg was so active while playing invisible ball game; it was as if he actually held a ball in his hand. IT was GORGEOUS. I was even impressed with Mrs. Sandy because when Greg interviewed her, she was positive and thought of every question, there was absolutely no silence and it was smooth. I was so happy that I got the chance to interview Sir Greg. I asked him what would you have done if you were not involved in the DFI Programme and he simply replied that he was writing a book and that he would be a novelist.

Overall, I had fun time playing the invisible ball game and I was so pleased at how smooth the conversation went with Mrs. Sandy. It was an amazing experience with Sir Greg and Mrs. Sandy.


We had our first training session on Tuesday, where we had an introduction to the DFI Kids Access reporting team that we would be working with during Doha Tribeca Film Festival.

Today was our media training session with Greg. We were trying to express ourselves by throwing an invisible ball to each other while telling each other where we came from and who we are. The purpose of this activity was to overcome our shyness and getting to know each other. Both Sandy and Greg helped us improve and enhance the skills that are needed to be a good reporter. The best bit of all was the PIZZA!!!

I am very nervous and excited at the same time about this whole process. I am very much looking forward to the events next week. This will give me the confidence I need to peruse my ambition of taking up a profession in media and journalism.

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