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DFI Kids Access Blog: Friday Family Day

Nov 24, 2012


I was running into Building 3 at Katara and I was late. I only could think of ‘Asterix & Obelix: In Britain 3D’ as I entered the wooden door and I saw my partner Naji waiting for me. We walked together with Jeana (she’s the person who tells us what to do) to the red carpet. We interviewed kids who were chosen to watch the movie. At first I was nervous, because they are kids and its pretty awkward interviewing kids, but Naji saved me with his awesome questions. After that I saw ‘Asterix & Obelix’, but the cartoon characters, because unfortunately the actors couldn’t make it. But wait, we saw our friends at the red carpet and we reported back to HQ (Building 3) together.

After we dropped them off, we went to be interviewed on ‘DTFF Live!’!!! I was so glad, but I didn’t know what questions they would ask me, or in what language. First I hoped it would be English, but it turned out it was mixed Arabic and English, which was great. Once we finished the interview, we went and played some weird games. There was a bike and when you pedal really fast, a microwave would turn on, so I said to Naji: ‘This would save lots of power in the future.’

Naji and I played tennis against Hayley. She crushed us. Then it was girls vs. boys, us vs. random people, and this time we crushed them (finally). Then it was time to go home but we stayed for a while with Jeana. We were acting hyper and crazy as always. On our way back, Naji found a bouncing ball on the floor and took it (shhhhh – don’t tell), so we played with the ball till my parents came to get me. I enjoyed my experience as a reporter and hope to be one again next year.


‪I’m Naji and today was a very unique day. ‬I literally went around all of Katara today; it was worth it, the beauty was outstanding and the Family Days events were wonderful. ‬‬‬‬

‪First, I went to the Giffoni workshop and talked with some kids our age to get ideas about their experiences as jurors. ‬Then we went over to the roof of Building 1 to be interviewed by ‘DTFF Live!’; the view was amazing, we were asked a couple of questions about what we did at the Festival and how we got to be DFI Kids Access reporters.‬‬‬

‪After all that epic time, Adnan, Haley and I played tennis. Later on we walked around the events with Jeana and we ended the day in the office messing around and telling jokes and stories to each other. ‬‬‬‬

Bye for now!‬‬


First day of Family Days = FANTASTIC

Today was the first day of DTFF Family Days at Katara! If you weren’t there, then you missed a lot of fun events! It was another one of my reporting days and I felt sooo curious about what was going to happen! It turned out that for two hours we had to do some reporting, but we also got to have some fun and check out all the events. Basically everything we did had to be on camera so we would have footage.

When I walked into where everything was set up I was amazed. There were so many cool activities, from arts and crafts, eco advice, tennis, sand football, camels, falcons, henna, face-painting, kites and so much more! Now, I have been at DTFF Family Days before, but this year they REALLY did a great job. Family Days was also really special because I had an amazing reporting partner and team.

We had a schedule to work through and we were working on time – luckily everything was still super fun! First thing we had to do was go over to the beach. There were camels there and I got to stroke them and sit on one – but I’ve already done that once. Something that I did that I’ve never done before was holding a falcon. It was really interesting!

But reporters don’t always win! (You might already know that!) Let me explain. We thought it might be a good idea if we tried out sand football, but DFI Kids Access lost badly against some Arab boys! Better luck next time! Somebody told us that the first step to winning is losing. That might actually be true, don’t you think?

A part that made the day amazing was all the kites. They were soaring above us, dancing in the wind. There were even two women with a guy who flew kites who helped us to fly one for a little bit. It was really exciting! I enjoyed doing it and it was a great compliment when the woman announced that I was officially a kite-flyer!

Today was really fabulous!


Today was an amazing day going out and playing around with Jeana during Family Day. It was fun painting my face, but it was a little awkward when people were pointing at me.

My day was full of surprises, but I didn’t get the chance to ride a camel! We had so much fun meeting Asterix and Obelix on the red carpet. They gave us hats to present the movie. We had fun holding the saqr but I felt that it was not a good idea because the men had put something on their eye and I felt that was animal abuse.

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