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DFI Kids Access Blog: Adnan at the 'Made in Qatar Programme 4 - Thriller Night' Red Carpet

Nov 22, 2012

Thriller Night

Today was awesome; we met lots of famous directors of horror films. I was so excited because this is my first red carpet ever. My partner was Karim and we interviewed the best Arab horror moviemakers in history. We met about a billion actors so we had to ask similar questions. Before we started interviewing people, we wanted to put zombie make-up on, but unfortunately it would take one hour to do so we had to skip it.

I lost count of how many interviews we did once people started to walk the red carpet. For me I would recommend the zombie film ‘Lockdown: Red Moon Escape’, since I like black ops zombies. After interviewing all the people it was time to do our closing. We shot our ending then suddenly two masked people came and devoured us! I had extremely good time.


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