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DFI at TIFF – Day 5

Sep 11, 2012

By Anealla Safdar in Toronto

Toronto International Film Festival is hovering near the half-way mark, but film critics are far from hanging up their press passes.

As the stronger presence of Arab cinema is celebrated by the region’s filmmakers, it is also motivating to see reviews take note of what’s on offer here.

Here are some highlights:

The Lebanese Rocket Society (DFI Mena Grantee)
By Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige

The Lebanese Rocket Society directors Khalil Joreige and Joana Hadjithomas at TIFF

Indiewire: Plenty of documentaries look at the creation of works of art by solitary dreamers. Few examine scientific discovery in relative isolation. The Lebanese Rocket Society saves a fascinating chapter in engineering history.

للترجمة العربية اضغط على

The Lebanese Rocket Society - Trailer

إعلان فيلم نادي الصواريخ اللبناني

By Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette It’s truly amazing to watch how guilt, regret, and sorrow can change the very make-up of your character. It may only be for a brief while, but that moment can impact the lives of many in tragic and devastating ways. This is the portrait of the war-torn area in the Middle East housing Israeli and Palestinian hostilities that writer/director Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette shares in her powerful new film Inch’Allah.

للترجمة العربية اضغط على

Inch'Allah - Trailer

إعلان فيلم "إن شاء الله"

Fidaï (DFI Mena Grantee)
By Damien Ounouri

Variety: A lovely, elegant and stirring look at one man’s sometimes sturdy, sometimes wavering memories of being a fighter for Algeria’s liberation from French colonialism, Damien Ounouri’s “Fidai” marks a striking advance in Arabic documentary filmmaking.

للترجمة العربية اضغط على

Fidai - Trailer

إعلان فيلم فدائي

After The Battle
By Yousry Nasrallah
Globe and Mail: Egyptian director Yousry Nasrallah’s drama about Egypt struggling to build a new society ingeniously mixes staged drama and real footage from last year’s protests in Tahrir Square.

للترجمة العربية اضغط على

After The Battle - Trailer

إعلان فيلم بعد الموقعة

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