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Spring Grants 2019 - Production Stage

Ameer Fakher Eldin / Feature Narrative / Syria, Qatar / 110 min / Original Language: Arabic / Interests: Drama


After spending unfruitful years studying medicine in the former Soviet Union, Adnan decided to quit and return home. He went against the will of his father, an old, stubborn and very religious man, who all he wanted was to see his son a doctor. Adnan became an alcoholic, further angering his father. Considering it an insult to his morality and religion, the father’s punishment was severe. Adnan was disinherited from the apple orchards which the family owned, and in which he worked and spent most his time. Tired and embittered Adnan accidentally encounters Basel, a wounded soldier who escaped the Syrian war in search for his original village. Adnan decides to rescue him and the two embark on a perilous journey to fulfil Basel’s dream. But first, Adnan has to confront the village leaders, the Israeli army, and most of all—his father.


Ameer Fakher Eldin
Ameer Fakher Eldin
Tony Copti

About the Director

Ameer Fakher Eldin is a Syrian screenwriter and director. He was born in the former Soviet Union to Syrian parents from the occupied Golan Heights. After earning his BA in Cinema Studies, he made several award-winning short films. ‘Thanatos Gaze’ (2012), ‘Between Two Deaths’ (2016), ‘Voicemail’ (2017). Fakher Eldin has also served as a jury member at TISFF, and as a lector at various film funds. He presents in his films a poetic look at life under occupation, using a distinct cinematic language that frequently explores the use of unique cinematic aspects.


  • Main Contact

    Tony Copti

    Fresco Films

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