The Flower Men (رجال الزهور)
Qumra Projects

/ Feature Documentary / Yemen, Qatar
In Arabic
Rated: This film has not been rated.
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‘The Flower Men’ is an observational-investigative documentary film that explores the complex reality of one of Yemen’s most ancient and powerful tribes - Khawlan Amer, now divided by the war-torn borders of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The film attempts to compare and contrast the two groups that were once one entity, honing in on the lives and personal relationships of two brothers who live on opposite sides of this border. The brothers were separated earlier in their lives and followed very different paths; one lived a life of wealth and prosperity, while the other lived a life of poverty and hardship. When the war between Yemen and Saudi Arabia reached catastrophic levels, the tribe made a conscious decision to reject the conflict and protect each other on either side of the warring borders. This film highlights the political twists that turned this tribe into a peace creator.