The Dark Wind (Reseba)
DFI Cinema

/ Feature Narrative / Iraq, Germany, Qatar
In Kurdish / English subtitles
Rated: Parental guidance is advised for viewers under the age of 13. Individuals under the age of 13 are not admitted into cinemas unless accompanied by an individual aged 18 or older.
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Reko and Pero, a young Yazidi couple, prepare for family life in their village Boza. Suddenly, Islamic State fighters attack the Shingal region of Kurdistan. At this moment, Reko is absent. Some villagers are able to flee, while the fighters take the young Yazidi girls and Pero captive. Pero has to sustain torture, humiliation and rape during her ordeal. When Reko hears of the attack, he tries to find his relatives and manages to find his parents. After they are safe in a refugee camp, Reko continues searching for Pero. In Syria, he is able to track her down with the assistance of some female Kurdish fighters. When she arrives at the refugee camp, however, Pero learns that the “new” freedom is equally difficult to surviving captivity. The proud Yazidi culture makes it impossible for Pero and Reko to find a way back to normality. ‘The Dark Wind’ continues to menace their future.