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DTFF - Doha Talks

Nov 05, 2012

Developing a unique story and distilling it into a successful film is the culmination of many elements including distribution, narrative style and the use of state-of-the-art technology. During DTFF 2012, the ‘Doha Talks’ events will explore these diverse aspects of filmmaking and the film industry through a unique series of 13 thought-provoking events, special screenings, and extended Q&A sessions with renowned filmmakers.

This year’s programme will include ‘Going Global: Can Bollywood Films Really Cross Over?’ panel that explores the exciting future of Bollywood; and ‘In Conversation with Robert De Niro,’ which will discuss some of the most memorable moments in his career. Another unique feature of Doha Talks will be an exploration of ‘The Reluctant Fundamentalist’ with Mira Nair, providing unique insights regarding the making of her film. The panels available to the public are diverse including everything from explorations of storytelling in the digital age to the progression of Khaleeji Filmmaking, and emergence of cinema as a vehicle for political change. For a complete list of the exciting panels during DTFF, please click here.

Accentuating the Doha Talks segment are numerous Industry Events that will be attended by 45 regional and international industry guests, who are known as filmmaking professionals and veterans. Another key component of the Festival is ‘Doha Projects’, DFI’s industry programme, which will pave the path for 40 DFI grantees to network with regional and international film experts through one-on-one meetings and exclusive sessions. Aiming to nurture home-grown filmmaking talent, Doha Projects will enable participants to engage in important meetings and networking sessions to help promote their work.

Whether you are a filmmaker or film enthusiast, the Doha Talks and Industry Events will allow you to learn more about the region’s evolving filmic landscape, discover new filmmakers and contribute to panel discussions. For more information on how to join the Festival experience and acquire tickets, click here.

Read the full press release here

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