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DTFF 2012- Arab Film Competition

Oct 31, 2012

The fourth edition of the Doha Tribeca Film Festival has extended its reach with an expanded Arab Film Competition that incorporates more filmmakers, countries and filmic styles. With seven documentaries, seven narrative features and 13 short films representing 10 Arab countries, the competition will provide a diverse slate of narratives for local and international audiences. For the first time Qatar and Saudi Arabia are submitting entries, which denotes a more active regional film industry and greater filmmaker participation. This increase in filmmaking shows the impact of the Arab Spring on a new generation of filmmakers; a movement that has led to greater freedom of speech, allowing artists to truly express themselves through the medium of film.

With new found narrative and stylistic freedom, regional filmmakers are pushing boundaries as they address seldom discussed issues such as freedom of political expression, family and love stories set amidst strife, and the tales of fighters in post-revolution nations. A selection of films will make their world premiere in the Arab Film Competition including ‘Asham: A Man Called Hope’, ‘Playground’ Chronicles’, ‘Die Welt’, ‘Goodbye Morocco’ and the documentary ‘O My Body!’.

DTFF’s Arab Film Competition also highlights the strong inroads being made by Arab female filmmakers with 10 films, more than one third of the total selection, portraying the struggles, aspirations, achievements and hopes of women across the region. To evaluate the impact of the Arab Spring on the region’s cinema, DTFF will also host a panel discussion on the ‘Emerging Cinema of Change.’

Auteurs competing for top honours include Merzak Allouache, Tahani Rached, Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige, Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud, Nabil Ayouch and Nadir Moknèche. Representing the emerging face of Arab cinema, directors such as Hanan Abdalla, Maggie M. Morgan, Karim Alexander Pitstra, Brahim Fritah, Tamara Stepanyan and Damien Ounouri will share the spotlight with established names. Their films present two uniquely different perspectives from the region, highlighting classical works and innovative approaches with diverse subject matter.

With prize money of over US$440,000, filmmakers will get the necessary resources required to further hone their skills and create new compelling films. One of the most fascinating aspects of this year’s Arab Film Competition selection is filmmaker’s thematic intelligence and attention to cinematic detail, which will surely compel audiences. To learn more about the Arab Film Competition please read our press release.

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