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DTFF 2012 - And the award goes to...

Nov 22, 2012

The Arab Film Competition Awards Ceremony is all wrapped up! It’s been a great week leading up to a magical evening – now it’s time to get out there and check out the jury’s picks of the Festival! Keep in mind that many of the winning films will be screened again in our Best of the Fest slots – see below for details.

The show kicked off with a performance by legendary musician Safy Boutella as a nod to our tribute to Algerian cinema; then it was time to open the envelopes and announce the winners.

Here’s a quick rundown:

Made in Qatar

The Made in Qatar Award went to the short documentary ‘Bader’, by Sara Al-Saadi, Maaria Assami and Latifa Al-Darwish. A Special Mention went out to ‘Lyrics Revolt’ by Shannon Farhoud, Ashlene Ramadan, Melanie Fridgant and Rana Khaled Al Khatib.

Arab Short Film Competition

A Development Award went to ‘Sanctity’ by Ahd, while the Award for Best Short Film was presented to ‘The Forgotten’ by Ehab Tarabieh. The jury also awarded a Special Mention to Nadim Tabet for his ‘A Day in 1959’.

Arab Film Competition: Documentary

Best Documentary Filmmaker went to Hanan Abdalla for ‘In the Shadow of a Man’, while Best Feature Documentary was taken by ‘The Lebanese Rocket Society’, by Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige. The jury awarded a special mention to Damien Ounouri, the promising director of ‘Fidaï’.

Arab Film Competition: Narrative

Nadir Moknèche’s ‘Goodbye Morocco’ received a Special Mention and Best Performance was snagged by Ahmed El Hafiane for his role in ‘Professor’, by Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud. Nabil Ayouch was named Best Narrative Filmmaker for ‘Horses of God’, and the final award of the evening was taken by Merzak Allouache’s ‘The Repentant’, which took the honour for Best Narrative Film.

Award Winners Showcase Timings

Best of the Fest: Best Documentary Feature Film
‘The Lebanese Rocket Society’
Friday, 23 November, 6:00 PM, Katara 12 Theatre A (K12-A)

Best of the Fest: Best Documentary Filmmaker
‘In the Shadow of a Man’
Saturday, 24 November, 6:00 PM, Katara 12 Theatre A (K12-A)

Best of the Fest: Best Narrative Film and Best Short Film
‘The Repentant’ preceded by ‘The Forgotten’
Friday, 23 November, 9:30 PM, Katara 12 Theatre A (K12-A)

Best of the Fest: Best Narrative Filmmaker
‘Horses of God’
Saturday, 24 November, 9:00 PM, Katara 12 Theatre A (K12-A)

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