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DFI Launches Nationwide Screenwriting Development Programme

Jul 05, 2012

The Doha Film Institute’s (DFI) new nationwide screenwriting development programme ‘Hezayah’ begins today (5 July, 2012).

It is the first of many initiatives aimed at enhancing skills in Qatar and the region’s film industries, led by the newly formed Gulf Development Unit of DFI Film Financing.

Qatari filmmaker Mahdi Ali Ali has joined DFI Film Financing as the Gulf Development Unit’s Manager. He will work closely with a team of mentors, including international film consultant and script analyst Christian Routh and renowned filmmaker Ziad Doueiri to help build and enhance the new script development programme.

Routh brings three decades of film industry experience; he spent over 10 years in script development across Europe. Cinematographer, director and writer Ziad Doueiri is best known for his award-winning feature film “West Beirut”. He’s also worked with Quentin Tarantino as camera assistant for “Pulp Fiction”, “Reservoir Dogs” and “Jackie Brown”. His latest feature “The Attack” is co-financed by DFI and currently in post-production.

“Although Gulf filmmaking has gradually grown in the past 10 years, Qatar is catching up to its neighbours when it comes to building home-grown talent,” Mahdi Ali Ali said. “I am confident that this development programme will further hone the skills of local talent, whether it’s working on the technicalities of scriptwriting or providing an understanding of the way the industry works. The Gulf Development Unit will help cultivate a stronger cinema culture and help build a progressive framework for all to follow.”

Through mentorship and interactive development workshops, ‘Hezayah’ will offer filmmakers support across all stages of screenwriting. The opportunity is open to 14 local filmmakers who will be part of a six-month scheme. The main aim is for them to have industry standard scripts ready for this year’s Doha Tribeca Film Festival (17 – 24 November).

Open to all local filmmakers, the initial applicants are filmmakers with scripts in-hand or in progress. They had previously applied for DFI grants. Submissions are also open to those with a strong story idea or synopsis.

This programme will eventually grow to include filmmakers from across the Gulf region.

For more information about ‘Hezayah’ read our press release.

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