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Best of Dubai International Film Festival 2012

Dec 17, 2012

'Bekas' Actors Zamand Taha (center) and Sarwar Fazil (right).

By Reem Saleh at Dubai International Film Festival

The 9th Dubai International Film Festival closed yesterday with an exciting award ceremony that signaled the end of a week-long celebration of film. DFI’s team was embedded throughout the festival, to capture and share the very best of DIFF with you.. Here are our highlights:

  • ‘What Do You See’ Campaign and Opening Ceremony: This year’s campaign added a different flavor to the festival and as our team walked through the venues we would hear people repeating the catchy and effective tagline. As mentioned in our review of ‘Life of Pi’ the opening film, the Rorschach inkblot test was developed by professionals so that guests could review inkblot images as part of a personality test, the outcome of which helped them decide the best films to watch.
  • The opening ceremony directed by Mohammed Saeed Harib the creator of ‘Freej’, consisted of an art video of mesmerizing affinitie Different images on visual illusions and tricks reflect a hypnotically engaging experience that brings us back to the roots of cinema with an animated horse. Harib and his team pushed the concept of perspective further through the installation, combining the worlds of psychology, culture and film. The captivating video was also presented prior to all gala screenings to ensure that every film enthusiasts had a chance to watch Harib’s craftsmanship come alive.
  • Saudi Film Exceeds All Expectations: Saudi director Haifa Al Mansour had quite an interesting journey since the opening of her first feature ‘Wadjda’ at the 69th Venice Film Festival. Shot entirely in Saudi Arabia, the film follows 12-year-old rebellious Wadjda, a young girl saving money to buy a bicycle in a country where females are not allowed to ride(read the full review). We’ve been closely following the endeavours of this year’s participating Arab filmmakers, and the team is very happy for the two awards received at DIFF yesterday. Wadjda collected Muhr Arab Feature for Best Film and 12-year-old Waad Mohammed received the award for Best Actress.
  • People Select Iraqi Film and Animation: Dubai Expo 2020 People’s Choice Award was given to provide additional funding for two films, which was a pleasant surprise of the filmmakers.
  • Set in Iraqi Kurdistan during the regime of Saddam Hussein, ‘Bekas’ is the tale of 10-year-old Dana and his younger brother Zana, homeless orphans who decide to go to America looking for Superman. The children were present at the screening and stole the audience’s hearts. Film enthusiasts couldn’t let go of the actors for hours after the film’s screening. Read the full film review here.
  • Ernest and Celestine’: A children’s animation film about the friendship of Ernest the big bear and an orphaned mouse called Celestine.
  • Amr Waked DIFF’s Best Actor: Ibrahim el Batout’s new film ‘Winter of Discontent’ leaves DIFF with Best Actor Award for Amr Waked’s performance. Affected by the beginning of the uprisings in Egypt, the film was conceptualised in four hours and executed a few days later, which was mentioned by Batout in a panel discussion. Waked plays activist Omro in the midst of the 25 January events.


  • DFI Hosted Lunch at DIFF: On 11 December DFI hosted a lunch at DIFF where filmmakers, including DFI grantees, network with industry professionals and discussed their current and upcoming projects. One of our grantees, Kamal El Mahouti won Best Director in the Muhr Arab Feature section for his film ‘My Brother’. Meet the grantees and learn more about their films here.

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    For a full list of awards received during the festival, please click here.

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