This two-week workshop offers a basic introduction to various animation techniques and the filmmaking practices involved in them. With an emphasis on...
A machine that can suddenly stop a horse in mid-gallop or transport you to a distant galaxy. Or a device that can transform someone from a crawling baby into...
Matthew Luhn has heard thousands of great ideas while working at Pixar Animation Studios for more than 20 years, but how is it that some of these ideas make...
The Short Narrative Film Lab is a five-week open-learning programme designed to provide students with an all-round filmmaking experience.
This intensive lab is designed to sharpen skills in documentary filming technique and theory in a realistic, high-pressure environment..
Screenwriting Workshop Animated and Live-Action Feature Films
Doha Film Institute in association with the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) presents a unique, intensive online programme for aspiring animators...
This intensive lab is designed to sharpen skills in documentary filming technique and theory in a realistic, high-pressure environment that takes...
Hezayah Screenwriting Lab