The Tainted Veil
Hekayat Khaleejiya: Khaleeji Stories

/ Feature Documentary / United Arab Emirates, France, Egypt, Denmark, Morocco, Turkey, Syria, United Kingdom / 2015 / Colour
In Arabic, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Turkish / English subtitles
Qatar Premiere
Rated: Parental guidance is advised for viewers under the age of 13. Individuals under the age of 13 are not admitted into cinemas unless accompanied by an individual aged 18 or older.
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Whether a veil of the soul, the mind or the body, the layers of the veil in history and the many meanings behind it will be revealed. The hijab is a head covering, and ‘women are either judged for wearing the hijab or for not wearing it’. In ‘The Tainted Veil’, the challenges surrounding these ideas are exposed in a debate featuring diverse guests and extraordinary stories.