Qumra Projects

/ TV Series / Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Qatar
In Arabic
Rated: This film has not been rated.
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Lotfi loses his fiancée and his mind. Deciding to emigrate illegally, he ends up drowning with seven other strangers. A month later, he reappears, buoyed by the souls of the seven drowned people who are now living within him.
While attempting to enter Europe, Lotfi Meskini drowns with seven other unfortunate illegal immigrants from seven different nationalities. A month later, he is thrown back by the sea, with no trace of the others. He begins to realize that he shoulders within him the souls of the other seven passengers who are longing to be released. Lotfi flirts with madness by carrying this heptad of other personalities, each asking him to fulfil their last wish. With seven different “hosts” seeking to see their family, homeland, and children, one last time, Lofti sets off on an epic adventure to the four corners of the Arab and African worlds to grant each their dying wish.