Brooklyn Castle
MIA Exhibition Series – presented by DFI

/ Feature Documentary / United States of America / 2012 / Colour
In English / Arabic subtitles
Qatar Premiere
Rated: Parental guidance is advised. Some material may be inappropriate for young children.
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Imagine a school where the cool kids are the chess team.Welcome to I.S. 318.‘Brooklyn Castle’ is a documentary about I.S. 318 – an inner-city New York school where more than 65 percent of students come from homes with incomes below the federal poverty level that just happens to have the best junior-high-school chess team in the country. (If Albert Einstein, whose chess rating was 1800, were to join the team, he'd only rank fifth best). Chess has transformed the school from one cited in 2003 as a "school in need of improvement" to one of New York City's finest. But a series of recession-driven pubic-school budget cuts threaten to undermine this hard-won success.