Day 4: Empowering Youth to Share Their Stories
Dec 02, 2015

Films are only the beginning at Ajyal.
The Creativity Hub is all about deepening our audience’s out-of-cinema experience with activities like our Family Weekend and the Sandbox, a unique interactive environment. Another amazing part of the Creativity Hub is the workshops, which help our young audiences connect what they see in cinemas to the wider world. On the heels of the successful talks with Hany Abu-Assad and Mohammed Assaf, as well as a workshop on the ‘Shaun the Sheep Movie’,
the final panel takes place today (2 December) and will address a very important issue: ‘Children in Conflict Areas’.
With the ongoing refugee crisis dominating the news, this panel is timely in considering the many young people around the world whose lives have been disrupted by socio-political conflict, illness and poverty. What tools do these children have to tell their stories? What kind of stories do they have access to? A highlight of the Doha Giffoni Youth Media Summit, this public panel aims to create a conversation around how content creation in film and media can assist children in conflict areas to share their stories.
This panel features high-profile speakers and will engage and inspire youth to help their less-fortunate peers at home and abroad.
Wed, Dec 2, 03:30 PM, Katara Building 16, Drama Theatre (K16-DT)